Under this strange name hides a formidable critter for fruit growers. and in particular grapes. If fruit flies have (unfortunately) been known for a long time, this species from Asia has been particularly devastating this year.
What is a fruit flies?
It is an insect that resembles a small fly and has the unfortunate habit of biting the fruits to implant its eggs. The fruit is obviously quickly damaged. As for the grape it turns it and causes a volatile acidity … which turns grape juice into a kind of vinegar, hence the nickname "vinegar fly" of fruit flies. There are a multitude of species of fruit flies. All those who frequent our lands are known and means of defense exist. Problem: an Asian species, the Drosophila suzukii, has decided to invade Europe (Germany, Spain, Italy in particular)… and now also Burgundy. As a result, many plots of Pinot Noir vines were attacked. The only way out for winegrowers… concerned: carefully sort the grapes. For those who harvest by hand no major problem, it is a classic sorting. For those who harvest by machine, things have been a little more complicated. The technical and scientific offices are of course on the teeth to find ways to stop the invader from the east. The 2014 harvest in Burgundy was beautiful, it would have been exceptional without this fruit flies… and above all the quantities would have been larger, which is becoming more and more crucial for Burgundy wines!