Hospices Beaune Sales 2021 The small yields of the vintage led buyers to scrap during the 161st auction of the Hospices de Beaune, Sunday, November 21, 2021. The key: stratospheric prices, and an atmosphere of fire. The Hospices de Beaune winery made the smallest harvest in the last 40 years in 2021. A disappointment that could have announced a half-tone auction, Sunday, November 21 under the halls of Beaune. This was not the case. As soon as the first lots go on sale, buyers get fired up. Coins (barrels of 228 liters) of beaune are close to 20 000 €, almost double the last year. And this crazy pace is maintained. Records follow one another, a bastard-montrachet coin even reaches €240,000. Enough to surprise even the greatest specialists of this charity sale, whose profits will go to the hospital of Beaune. Final result: €11.7 million in revenue for 362 barrels. The average price of the barrel is 34,700 euros, an increase of 70% compared to 2020. Absolute record for the presidents' room But the craziest figure of all is that of the president's coin, the most awaited of all, because it was intended for another charity. This year, a Corton Renardes was chosen by Ludivine Griveau, manager of the Hospices estate. The proceeds from its sale will go to the cause of women, via the Institut Curie and the Fondation Solidarité Femmes. The final hammer blow falls: the auction is won for € 800,000. An absolute record, which eclipses that of last year (660 000 €). It is the English wine house Oeno Group that wins, after having fought hard with the Burgundian house Albert Bichot. Pio Marmaï as a supercharged godfather A success to be put – at least in part – to the credit of the godmother and godfather of the sale, Jeanne Balibar and Pio Marmaï. The two actors galvanized the room, in particular the actor of What binds us, who raised the stakes of this emblematic play for a good quarter of an hour thanks to his verve, repeatedly provoking the hilarity of the room https://twitter.com/Lebienpublic/status/1462444238352879618 A sequence destined to become cult, which ended with a traditional Burgundian bench. https://twitter.com/Lebienpublic/status/1462448023724769285?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1462448023724769285%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2FLebienpublic2Fstatus2F1462448023724769285widget%3DTweet This 161st sale also marked the premiere of the American auction house Sotheby's, which this year replaced its British competitor Christie's in the Controllers. The success is undeniable, and sets the bar high for 2022.

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